Here are just a few things alumnae dues support and steer Tri Sigma ever forward:
Resources and staffing for recruitment and expansion efforts, alumnae chapters, and national events.
Leadership and personal development—including officer and volunteer training, member programming, and harm prevention education.
Technology to support chapter training and operations, national events, and chapter websites.
Printing and production of our magazine, The Triangle.
The care and preservation of our archives.
Thank you to our Lifetime Dues payers and Ever Forward Members for their lasting commitment to our sisterhood.
Members must be logged into Sigma Connect to pay alumnae dues. If it’s your first time accessing Sigma Connect or you have trouble logging in, click “Forgot Username or Password/Reset locked account” and follow the instructions for initiated members.
Convention Giveaway FAQ
The Convention giveaway closed Friday, Feb. 21. Alumnae may still pay alumnae dues but will not be entered for the giveaway.
The winner will receive complimentary registration for Convention 2025 and hotel accommodations at Union Station for June 26–28, 2025. Hotel accommodations include one king room or double-queen room depending on hotel availability.
Winner is responsible for the following:
All transportation to/from Convention 2025
Any food outside of programmed meals at Convention
Any additional accommodations outside of June 26–28
The winner will have one week from being notified to confirm their attendance at Convention 2025. If there is no response or if the winner cannot attend Convention 2025, a new winner will be randomly selected and notified.
The winner is welcome to bring a guest to stay in the hotel room with them. If the guest is a member who would like to attend Convention, they must pay for their own registration.
Alumnae Dues FAQ
Effective Dec. 1, 2023, annual alumnae dues are $50/year.
Lifetime Dues are $1,898 and may be paid by making a one-time payment of $1,898, or two payments of $94.90 due each year (on Feb. 1 and Aug. 1) for 10 years.
Alumnae dues are not required to remain in good standing, and membership in Tri Sigma is lifelong regardless of payment; however, alumnae dues are greatly appreciated and are a vital part of ensuring the longevity of our sisterhood.
Please note: National volunteers, housing volunteers, and C.A.B. members must maintain alumnae dues (annual or lifetime) as a requirement of their role.
In addition to the gratification from knowing you are advancing the mission of Tri Sigma, we are excited to announce alumnae dues payers, Lifetime Dues payers, and Ever Forward Members will receive these exclusive benefits beginning in 2024:
Alumnae dues payers receive:
A printed copy of The Triangle magazine
A digital issue of The Sigma Scoop, a newsletter exclusively for alumnae dues payers and Ever Forward Members, containing news and updates from NHQ each spring
Alumnae Dues Payer nametag ribbon at Convention
Lifetime Dues payers receive all benefits above, plus:
A welcome letter from Executive Council upon enrolling in Lifetime Dues payments
15% discount code for use on one purchase per year at Purple & Pearls
Recognition on Tri Sigma’s website
Convention recognition and nametag ribbon
Custom social media graphics to highlight your commitment to Tri Sigma
Ever Forward Members
Upon completing Lifetime Dues payments, become an Ever Forward member and will receive a pin and card signifying their status, a printed copy of The Sigma Scoop, and an Ever Forward Member Ribbon for their nametag at Convention—in addition to all benefits listed above.
Alumnae dues support sorority operations and ensure Tri Sigma’s ability to serve our members. Donations to the Tri Sigma Foundation contribute to philanthropic and charitable causes, scholarships, and leadership development programs that go beyond the internal operations of the sorority. Both are important to the success of our sisterhood, and we are grateful for your generosity!
Click here to make a donation to the Foundation.
Lifetime Dues FAQ
Lifetime Dues are a commitment to Tri Sigma; they are a tangible way to demonstrate your dedication and support for the organization for years to come. This commitment involves a one-time payment of $1,898, or a payment plan of $94.90 due on Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 each year for 10 years.
Once an alumna has fulfilled their Lifetime Dues obligation, they become an Ever Forward Member—an exclusive status reserved for Tri Sigmas who have showcased a lifelong commitment to moving the sorority ever forward.
Previously, members who had fully paid their Lifetime Dues were known as Lifetime Alumnae; however, the name was updated to eliminate confusion surrounding lifetime membership in Tri Sigma. All members who have completed Lifetime Dues payments are now known as Ever Forward Members.
Beginning Dec. 1, 2023, Lifetime Dues will increase to $1,898. This increase does not affect current payers. All current Lifetime Dues payers will continue paying toward their initial obligation of $1,050 and will become Ever Forward Members once complete.
Members who have already received a Lifetime Alumna card do not need to remit more dues or replace their current card.
No, previous annual alumnae dues payments cannot be applied toward Lifetime Dues.
Members who miss two consecutive payments will be converted from Lifetime Dues payers to annual dues payers.
Please note: Members who enrolled in Lifetime Dues payments before Dec. 1, 2023, and miss two consecutive payments must re-enroll in Lifetime Dues at the $1,898 rate if they wish to resume payments to become an Ever Forward Member.
Yes! Call National Headquarters at 540-459-4212 to make additional payments.
Payment FAQ
Yes! Choose “Annual Alumnae Dues – Recurring Payments” or “Lifetime Dues – Recurring Payments” from the payment menu depending on which program you would like to participate in.
Members who enrolled in Lifetime Dues prior to Dec. 1, 2023, will use a separate form to make their biannual payments. They have received this link via email.
Annual alumnae dues payers will be charged annually based on the date they enrolled in automatic payments.
E.g., if a member enrolls in automatic payments for annual dues on Dec. 10, they will be charged $50 on Dec. 10 each year.
Lifetime Dues payers will be charged biannually. The first charge is based on the date they enrolled in automatic payments, and the second charge will occur six months after.
E.g., if a member enrolls in automatic payments for Lifetime Dues on Dec. 10, they will be charged $94.90 on Dec. 10 and $94.90 on June 10 each year until they complete Lifetime Dues payments.
The payment form will also display the payment schedule for the next six payments depending on the selected plan. Please review carefully before submitting.
Contact NHQ to cancel your automatic recurring payment. Then, you can enroll in Lifetime Dues here.
Contact NHQ to cancel your automatic recurring payments.
Please allow five business days for payments to appear on Sigma Connect. If your payment is still missing, contact NHQ here.
Contact NHQ to update your payment information.
Contact NHQ to update your payment information.
Yes! Click here to pay alumnae dues on behalf of another sister—including recent graduates or volunteers. You can opt to pay alumnae dues for a specific member or allow NHQ to designate your payment toward a sister in need.
Yes! Additional donations are greatly appreciated as they support sorority operations and ensure Tri Sigma’s ability to serve our members. Please call National Headquarters at 540-459-4212 to make a donation to the sorority.
Please note: Alumnae dues and additional donations to the sorority are not tax-deductible and are different than donations to the Tri Sigma Foundation.
If you have additional questions, please contact NHQ.

Read the latest issue, share an idea, or submit a photo or chapter report here.

Alumnae Dues
Now, more than ever, it is imperative we showcase the long-lasting value of being a Sigma and help our collegiate chapters be as competitive as possible on their respective campuses. Alumnae dues play a vital role in our ability to provide an exceptional member experience and help ensure the future of Tri Sigma.