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Inclusive Excellence

We fulfill our promise of developing strong character through a membership experience with lifelong empowerment and relevance. Tri Sigmas are called to influence their communities through meaningful reflection and action. 

Tri Sigma was founded and cultivated by welcoming women into our sisterhood. Historically, there is evidence that our membership was not always an equitable space. While we cannot change our past, we can influence the future.

Tri Sigma uses the phrase inclusive excellence to describe our collective effort in engaging in learning and action that makes our organization a place where members and new members experience true belonging and can express their identity, beliefs, and values freely in a safe and supportive environment.

Projects & Initiatives

In 2018, Tri Sigma established the Initiative for Inclusive Excellence to address matters of equity and inclusion. Work began, and consultants from WilMor Works, LLC presented the report of the IIE committee during the 2019 Convention. Afterward, we shared the recommendations with the entire membership. These recommendations were given thoughtful consideration and placed on the list of high-priority initiatives. 

As the organization pinpoints new opportunities, we will add them to our work. This list is not finite. We know there is more we can do to ensure members of all backgrounds, religions and creeds are welcomed and embraced within Tri Sigma. Our world is evolving. Our members are evolving. Tri Sigma is committed to this evolution.

  • The Inclusive Excellence Team, comprised of an Executive Council liaison, collegiate and alumnae volunteers, and staff, identifies and supports opportunities for greater diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging across Tri Sigma.

  • All collegiate and alumnae members are enrolled in a 3-part educational series to increase dialogue and create opportunities to engage with others in ways that foster meaningful connection, mutual understanding, and inclusive excellence. Completion is also required for staff, chapter advisors, and national volunteers.

    In addition to this educational series, Tri Sigma incorporated education on building inclusive communities into the new member orientation program. 

  • The mission of the IET is to continue critical work influencing an organizational commitment to amplifying diverse voices, cultivating equitable environments, and imploring examination of one’s story and appreciation of others’.

    The national organization hosted a series of listening sessions to hear directly from members of marginalized identities. Tri Sigma also collected demographic information of all members to help inform programs and offerings.

  • Realizing the importance of equitable consideration for all women seeking sorority membership, Tri Sigma eliminated the policy which required chapters to invite a legacy to the first invitational round during Primary Recruitment and place legacies at the top of their final bid list. This change has empowered our collegiate members to make their own membership selection decisions and allows for more equitable access to those seeking membership.

    Tri Sigma has also reviewed governing documents for problematic and gender-specific language. The Governing Documents Review Team comprised of collegiate and alumnae members continues to review these documents and provide suggestions for updates.

  • The Director of Member Development is the collegiate officer tasked with leading the chapter’s Inclusive Excellence Team. Each chapter’s IET has the unique opportunity to set educational standards for moving forward. We remain committed to fostering inclusive and equitable environments where members can feel welcome, confident, and empowered to ignite change.

    In partnership with the IET, more inclusive ritual practices and ceremonies have been recommended. The IET also helped inform the collegiate event planning best practices and considerations document to ensure events are accessible for all members and attendees. 

  • In lieu of a traditional “recommendation,” a PNM can request an introduction form be completed by a mentor, supervisor, friend, co-worker, teacher, or a Tri Sigma alumna. The purpose of the form is to recommend a PNM to a collegiate chapter prior to recruitment—but it does not provide any preferential treatment. A PNM may also “self-introduce” to show interest or if they do not feel comfortable asking someone to write an introduction on their behalf. 

  • In addition to completing the 3-part Inclusive Excellence series, Tri Sigma implemented a more in-depth quarterly staff training in collaboration with the IET.

    Tri Sigma staff also compiled a master calendar of cultural celebrations and appropriate messaging for social media observances. 

We ask for your dedication and support as we advance these recommendations and implement additional initiatives. Please submit your ideas, questions, or comments via this form.


Members have access to a variety of resources to help them learn more about the experiences of various identities, how to take action, and engage in meaningful conversations in Sigma Connect under Be Informed.

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