Linda Henderson Appointed Chair of College Panhellenics

Tri Sigma Volunteer Linda Henderson

Linda Henderson, Delta Psi–St. Joseph’s University, has been appointed as Chair of the College Panhellenics, one of the National Panhellenic Conference’s Standing Committees. These committees work in partnership with NPC staff to ensure both College and Alumnae Panhellenic Associations are supported in areas such as policy, recruitment and the judicial process. 

“I am thrilled to have Linda Henderson leading our College Panhellenics Committee. She has proven herself as a capable leader when serving as an area advisor coordinator, area advisor and RFM Specialist. Linda is a team player who can help us elevate the role of area advisor by focusing on increased training and accountability measures for this important NPC position,” said Frances Mitchelson, Panhellenics Chairman.

NPC’s Standing Committees work in partnership with the NPC staff to ensure both College and Alumnae Panhellenic Associations are supported in areas such as policy, recruitment and the judicial process. They also provide direct assistance, where applicable, in the creation of Panhellenic operational resources and training materials. 

Linda has a long history as a both a volunteer Tri Sigma and the NPC. She has served as a Chapter Advisor, RFM Specialist, and is the author of the Collegiate Panhellenic Manual.